Last updated
December 08, 2020

Medical Disclaimer

Your safety is very important to us. FluidStride does not replace the advice or treatment provided by a healthcare provider. If you have had previous running related injuries or injuries affecting your ability to run, please consult a healthcare provider before using our app.

This gait analysis is based on published gait analysis and computer vision research. Research references are provided on our site in the references section. We regularly review gait analysis research every three months and update the information and gait analysis procedure when necessary.

All information is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the FluidStride app!

Use the running app only when you feel you can do so without falling or hurting yourself. If you are under the care of a healthcare provider, follow all advice of your healthcare provider and perform only the exercises approved by your healthcare provider. Your use of the FluidStride app is strictly voluntary. Take care when using FluidStride to avoid the risk of injury. You are voluntarily accepting all risks and liabilities by using FluidStride.